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Carter | Nursing & Rehabilitation

To Our Residents and Family Members:

July 15, 2020

On June 25th, Governor Beshear provided guidance to safely open visitation of nursing homes. As part of the reopening initiative, Carter Nursing and Rehabilitation will begin to allow visitors on July 15th; however, there are specific guidelines that must be followed. Our top priority is keeping our residents and care team members safe, and we feel the guidelines below will ensure their safety.
Visits must be pre-arranged or scheduled by calling the center. No visits will be allowed unless it has been pre-arranged. Visits will be limited per day and no longer than 15 minutes time per visit.
We will allow only 2 visitors at a time and the visitors must wear masks and practice social distancing at all times which will not allow touching or hugging.
All visits will take place in the front lobby of the facility. Visitors are not allowed in care areas of the facility. Some visits may be scheduled outside in the front covered patio area weather permitting.
All visitors will be screened at the time of the visit and will be asked to self-monitor and practice all recommended precautions before and after the visit. You will be required to utilize hand sanitizer prior to the visit, wear a mask and sign a visitor attestation form.
Please do not visit if you or anyone that you have been in contact with has been ill or has been diagnosed with COVID 19. Please also report if you or anyone that you have been in contact with becomes ill or is diagnosed with COVID 19 soon after a visit.
Visits can be declined or ceased at any time. This can occur if the guidelines are not followed by visitors or if there is an onset of symptoms or new COVID 19 cases within the center, either with residents or care team members.
Notification of any changes will be posted to our Facebook page and website. It will also be mailed to residents and/or responsible parties. You can also call the facility at any times to see if there are any updates or changes to the visitation policy. We will also be updating our website at and will be adding an electronic calendar to also schedule visits as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and patience.


Joe Brainard, RN, LNHA
Executive Director